Everyone wants a straight shiny smile, but sometimes it’s not always possible and there are several reasons for it, mainly to do with general habits you pick up as a child that can cause tooth misalignment and crooked teeth.
It’s never too late to resurrect your smile, and there are many cosmetic treatments available that can help you transform the look and feel of your smile.
Here are reasons as to why you should consider getting your teeth straight for your oral health:
Cleaning Teeth Becomes Easier
Crooked and misaligned teeth make it difficult for your toothbrush to reach certain contours of your teeth because of how crowded the area is. This makes it easier for bacteria and dental plaque to build inside the mouth, causing oral health infections and disease. Straight teeth make it easier to brush and floss to reduce bacteria multiplying. You get fewer cavities and your gums remain healthier.
Smiling Confidence
Naturally, you will begin to fall in love with your smile and this will allow you to show off your smile in public. This is important for overall wellbeing, and a shiny smile says a lot about your personality and character towards others. You’re also more confident within yourself.
Better Chewing
An important advantage of straight teeth is a proper strong bite. Tooth misalignment means that your teeth protrude when biting down, causing wear and tear on your teeth. Straight teeth allow you to eat well with the correct biting point that keeps your teeth and mouth healthy.
Reduced Teeth Grinding
When your jaws aren’t aligned properly, this is likely to be due to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). This can cause teeth grinding, and constant grinding can lead to long-term jaw pain and damaged teeth and jawbones. You’re in danger of bone loss if this continues, but straightening your teeth helps reduce this.
Reduces Periodontal Disease
Gum disease is more likely to form with crooked teeth. This is because your toothbrush cannot reach certain contours of your teeth, and this builds bacteria and dental plaque, culprits for gums to become inflamed and infected. Straight teeth can reduce periodontal disease. Read here to learn more.
Straight teeth can really change your quality of life. If your teeth are crooked and misaligned and you’re struggling to resolve this, we’re here to help! Contact our professional dental team of dentist Wollongong and dentist Fairy Meadow here for an appointment to see what treatments we have to offer you. Contact us for an appointment!